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Uneven Outcomes for WCPO Tuna Fisheries | ISSF Reviews WCPFC Annual Meeting


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Uneven Outcomes for Western and Central Pacific Ocean Tuna Fisheries at Management Meeting

Some Progress on Tuna Conservation Measure and Observer Coverage at WCPFC, But No Improvements to FAD Management or Compliance Process Transparency

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) recently wrapped its annual meeting. Since the majority of the world’s tuna catch sourced from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO), the gathering is always highly anticipated and closely watched.

This year’s meeting brought some positive outcomes for Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries, including a harvest control rule for North Pacific albacore, the adoption of an updated tropical tuna conservation measure, and moderate progress on electronic monitoring and observer coverage. But the Commission’s work fell far short in other areas, especially regarding increasing transparency in WCPFC compliance assessment processes and improving fish aggregating device (FAD) management.

ISSF fisheries policy experts Holly Koehler and Claire van der Geest review outcomes of the WCPFC meeting against our organization’s most critical asks.

Read the ISSF response

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