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In addition to sharing research findings and analysis in ISSF reports, our scientists and advocacy experts publish articles in leading journals.

This page lists peer-reviewed articles co-authored by members of our science and advocacy teams, whose names are bolded in the citations below, and the ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee.

It also includes articles authored by other scientists about research projects that were partially or fully funded by ISSF.

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“The use of corrective action frameworks in international fisheries management,” in Marine Policy.

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Koehler, H., Haas, B. (2024) The use of corrective action frameworks in international fisheries management. Marine Policy, Vol. 168.

Ortuño Crespo, G., Griffiths, S., Murua, H., Österblom, H., Lopez, J. (2024) Adaptive spatiotemporal management to reduce shark bycatch in tuna fisheries. Conservation Biology.

Escalle, L., Phillips, J.S., Lopez, J., Lynch, J.M., Murua, H., Royer, S.J., Swimmer, Y., Murua, J., Sen Gupta, A., Restrepo, V., Moreno, G. (2024) Simulating drifting fish aggregating device trajectories to identify potential interactions with endangered sea turtles. Conservation Biology.

Goikoetxea, N., Goienetxea, I., Fernandes-Salvador, J.A., Goñi, N., Granado, I., Quincoces, I., Ibaibarriaga, L., Ruiz, J., Murua, H. and Caballero, A., (2024) Machine-learning aiding sustainable Indian Ocean tuna purse seine fishery. Ecological Informatics Volume 81, July 2024, 102577.

Fraile, I., Luque, P., Campana, S.E., Farley, J.H., Krusic-Golub, K., Clear, N., Eveson, J.P., Artetxe-Arrate, I., Zudaire, I., Murua, H. and Merino, G. (2024) Age validation of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Indian Ocean using post-peak bomb radiocarbon chronologies. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 734: 91–104, 2024.

Sobradillo, B., Boyra, G., Uranga, J., Moreno, G. Target strength measurements of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and acoustic discrimination of three tropical tuna species. (2024) ICES Journal of Marine Science 2024; fsae040.

McCarthy, A.H., Steadman, D., Richardson, H., Murphy, J., Benbow, S., Brian, J.I., Brooks, H., Costa-Domingo, G., Hazin, C., McOwen, C., Walker, J., Willer, D., Abdi, M., Auster, P.J., Bealey, R., Bensted-Smith, R., Broadburn, K., Carvalho, G., Collinson, T., Erinosho, B., Fabinyi, M., Febrica, S., Ngwa Forbi, W., Garcia, S.M., Goad, D., Goldsworthy, L., Govan, H., Heaphy, C., Geert Hiddink, J., Hosch, G., Kachelriess, D., Kinch, J., Lancaster, A.M.S.N., Le Manach, F., Matthews, T., Medellín Ortiz, A., Morgan, A., Motta, H., Murua, H., Namboothri, N., Ndiritu, E., Passfield, K., Pilcher, N.J., Portus, J.O., Rguez-Baron, J.M., Robertson, M., Sharma, A., Suazo, C.G., Tamini, L.L., Vilata-Simon, J. and Mukherjee, N. (2024). Destructive fishing: An expert-driven definition and exploration of this quasi-concept. Conservation Letters, e13015.

Waldo, J.L., Altamirano-Nieto, E., Croll, D., Diaz Palacios, M., Lezama-Ochoa, N., Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Rojas-Perea, S. and Cronin, M.R. (2024)  Bycatch mitigation from the sky: using helicopter communication for Mobulid conservation in tropical tuna fisheries. Front. Mar. Sci. Volume 11 - 2024.

Dupaix, A., Ménard, F., Filmater, J.D., Baidai, Y., Bodin, N., Capello, M., Chassot, E., Demarcq, H., Deneubourg, J.-L., Fonteneau, A., Forget, F., Forrestal, F., Gaertner, D., Hall, M., Holland, K.N., Itano, D., Kaplan, D.M., Lopez, J., Marsac, F., Maufroy, A., Moreno, G., Muir, J., Murua, H., Roa-Pascuali, L., Pérez, G., Restrepo, V., Robert, M., Schaefer, K.M., Sempo, G., Soria, M., Dagorn, L. (2024) The challenge of assessing the effects of drifting fish aggregating devices on the behaviour and biology of tropical tuna. Fish and Fisheries.

Labonne, M., Darnaude, A.M., Fily, T., Petit, C., Nikolic, N., Parker, D., Norman, S.J., Clear, N., Farley, J., Eveson, J.P., Artetxe-Arrate, I., Murua, H., Davies, C. and Marsac, F. (2024) New insights in lifetime migrations of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga, Bonnaterre, 1788) between the Southwest Indian and the Southeast Atlantic Oceans using otolith microchemistry. Fishes 2024, 9, 38.

Ladino, A., Pérez-Arjona, I., Espinosa, V., Chillarón, M., Vidal, V., Godinho, L.M., Moreno, G. and Boyra, G. (2023). Role of material properties in acoustical target strength: Insights from two species lacking a swimbladder. Fisheries Research, Vol. 270, February 2024, 106895.

Guillotreau, P., Salladarré, F., Capello, M., Dupaix, A., Floc'h, L., Tidd, A., Tolotti, M. and Dagorn, L. (2023). Is FAD fishing an economic trap? Effects of seasonal closures and other management measures on a purse-seine tuna fleet. Fish and Fisheries. 2023;00:1–17.

Cote, D., Sutton, J., Roul, S., Murua, H., Gonzales, F., Alpoim, R. and Angnatok, J. (2023) The distribution of subarctic and boreal deep-sea demersal fish assemblages across environmental gradients of the northwest Atlantic. J Fish Biol. 2023: 1–11.

Rooker, J.R., Zapp Sluis, M., Kitchens, L.L., Dance, M.A., Falterman, B., Lee, J.M., Liu, H., Miller, N., Murua, H., Rooker, A.M., Saillant, E., Walter, J. and Wells, R.J.D. (2023) Nursery origin of yellowfin tuna in the western Atlantic Ocean: significance of Caribbean Sea and trans-Atlantic migrants. Scientific Reports 13 (2023), 16277.

Gilman, E., Chaloupka, M., Taylor, N., Nelson, L., Friedman, K. and Murua, H. (2023) Global governance guard rails for sharks: Progress towards implementing the United Nations international plan of action. Fish and Fisheries 2023, 00:1–17.

Royer, S.J., Corniuk, R., McWhirter, A., Lynch, H., Pollock, K., O'Brien, K., Escalle, L., Stevens, K., Moreno, G., Lynch, J. (2023) Large floating abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is frequent marine pollution in the Hawaiian Islands and Palmyra Atoll. Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023), 115585.

McLennan, S., Polidoro, B., Huntington, T., Cappell, R., Restrepo, V., Mundnich, K., Jardim, E. (2023) The new Marine Stewardship Council requirements to improve ghost gear management: Insights from the policy development process. Marine Policy 157 (2023), 105840.

Pons, M., Kaplan, D., Moreno, G., Escalle, L., Abascal, F., Hall, M., Restrepo, V. and Hilborn, R. (2023) Benefits, concerns, and solutions of fishing for tunas with drifting fish aggregation devices. Fish and Fisheries 2023, 00:1–24. 

Capello, M., Merino, G., Tolotti, M., Murua, H., Dagorn, L. (2023) Developing a science-based framework for the management of drifting Fish Aggregating Devices. Marine Policy 153 (2023), 105657.

Zudaire, I., Moreno, G., Murua, J., Hamer, P., Murua, H., Tolotti, M.T., Roman, M., Hall, M., Lopez, J., Grande, M., Merino, G., Escalle, L., Basurko, O.C., Capello, M., Dagorn, L., Ramos, M.L., Abascal, F.J., Báez, J.C., Pascual-Alayón, P.J., Déniz, S., Santiago, J. (2023) Biodegradable drifting fish aggregating devices: Current status and future prospects. Marine Policy 153 (2023), 105659.

Francis, M.P., Lyon, W.S., Clarke, S.C., Finucci, B., Hutchinson, M.R., Campana, S.E., Musyl, M.K., Schaefer, K.M., Hoyle, S.D., Peatman, T., Bernal, D., Bigelow, K., Carlson, J., Coelho, R., Heberer, C., Itano, D., Jones, E., Leroy, B., Liu, K.-M., Murua, H., Poisson, F., Rogers, P., Sanchez, C., Semba, Y., Sippel, T., Smith, N. (2023) Post-release survival of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and silky (Carcharhinus falciformis) sharks released from pelagic tuna longlines in the Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1-13.

Murua, J., Moreno, G., Dagorn, L., Itano, D., Hall, M., Murua, H., Restrepo, V. (2023) Improving sustainable practices in tuna purse seine fish aggregating device (FAD) fisheries worldwide through continued collaboration with fishers. Frontiers in Marine Science 10.

Murua, H., Zudiare, I., Tolotti, M., Murua, J., Capello, M., Basurko, O.C., Krug, I., Grande, M.,  Arregui, I., Uranga, J., Ferarios, J.M., Sabarros, P., Ruiz, J., Baidai, Y., Ramos, M.L., Báez, J.C.,  Abascal, F., Arrizabalaga, H., Moreno, G., Dagorn, L., Santiago, J. (2023) Lessons learnt from the first large-scale biodegradable FAD research experiment to mitigate drifting FADs impacts on the ecosystem. Marine Policy 148(2023), 105394.


Gilman, E., Chaloupka, M., Booth, H., Hall, M., Murua, H., Wilson, J. (2022) Bycatch-neutral fisheries through a sequential mitigation hierarchy. Marine Policy 150(2023), 105522. 

Moreno, G., Salvador, J., Zudaire, I., , J., Lluís Pelegrí, J., Uranga, J., Murua, H., Grande, M., Santiago, J., Restrepo, V. (2022) The Jelly-FAD: A paradigm shift in the design of biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices. Marine Policy 147(2023), 105352.

Boyra, G., Martínez, U., Uranga, J., Moreno, G., Peña, H. (2022)  Correction of beam overlap-induced athwart distortion in multibeam sonars. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsac226.

Juan-Jordá, M.J., Murua, H., Arrizabalaga, H., Merino, G., Pacoureau, N., Dulvy, N.K..(2022) Seventy years of tunas, billfishes, and sharks as sentinels of global ocean health. Science 378(6620).

Merino, G., Urtizberea, A., Fu, D., Winker, H., Cardinale, M., Lauretta, M.V., Murua, H., Kitakado, T., Arrizabalaga, H., Scott, R., Pilling, G., Minte-Vera, C., Xu, H., Laborda, A., Erauskin-Extramiana, M., Santiago, J. (2022) Investigating trends in process error as a diagnostic for integrated fisheries stock assessments. Fisheries Research 256(106478).

Heidrich, K.N., Juan-Jordá, M.J., Murua, H., Thompson, C.D.H., Meeuwig, J.J., Zeller, D. (2022) Assessing progress in data reporting by tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. Fish and Fisheries 23(6): 1264-1281.

Cronin, M., Croll, D.A., Hall, M.A., Lezama-Ochoa, N., Lopez, N., Murua, H., Murua, J., Restrepo, V., Rojas-Perea, S., Stewart, J.D., Waldo, J.L., Moreno, G. (2022) Harnessing stakeholder knowledge for the collaborative development of mobulid bycatch mitigation strategies in tuna fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsac093.

Lopetegui-Eguren, L., Poos Jan, J., Arrizabalaga, H., Guirhem, G. L., Murua, H., Lezama-Ochoa, N., Griffiths, S.P., Ruiz Gondra, J., Sabarros, P.S., Báez, J.C., Juan-Jordá, M.J. (2022) Spatio-temporal distribution of juvenile oceanic whitetip shark incidental catch in the western Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 9.

Báez, J.C., Déniz, S., Ramos, M.L., Grande, M., Ruiz, J., Murua, H., Santiago, J., Justel-Rubio, A., Herrera, M., Moniz, I., et al. (2022) Data provision for science-based FAD fishery management: Spanish FAD management plan as a case study. Sustainability 14(6): 3278. 

Basurko, O. C., Gabiña, G., Lopez, J., Granado, I., Murua, H., Fernandes, J. A., Krug, I., Ruiz, J.,  Uriondo, Z. (2022). Fuel consumption of free-swimming school versus FAD strategies in tropical tuna purse seine fishing. Fisheries Research 245(106139). 

Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W. (2022) Spatiotemporal variability in the reproductive biology of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research 248 (106225). 

Baidai, Y., Uranga, J., Grande, M., Murua, H., Santiago, J., Quincoces, I., Boyra, G., Orue, B., Floch, L., Capello, M. (2022) A standard processing framework for the location data of satellite-linked buoys on drifting fish aggregating devices. Aquatic Living Resources 35.


Basurko, O. C., Gabiña, G., Lopez, J., Granado, I., Murua, H., Fernandes, J. A., Krug, I., Ruiz, J.,  Uriondo, Z. (2021). Fuel consumption of free-swimming school versus FAD strategies in tropical tuna purse seine fishing. Fisheries Research 245(106139). 

Forget, F., and Muir, J. (2021) The critically endangered bowmouth guitarfish (Rhina ancylostoma) in the open ocean with an associated tuna school. Marine Biodiversity 51: 69 (2021).

Hilborn, R., Agostini, V.N., Chaloupka, M., Garcia, S.M., Gerber, L.R., Gilman, E., Hanich, Q., Himes-Cornell, A., Hobday, A.J., Itano, D., Kaiser, M.J., Murua, H., Ovando, D., Pilling, G.M., Rice, J.C., Sharma, R., Schaefer, K.M., Severance, C.J., Taylor, N.G., Fitchett, M. (2021) Area-based management of blue water fisheries: Current knowledge and research needs. Fish and Fisheries 23.

Braccini, M., and Murua, H. (2021) Quantifying shark and ray discards in Western Australia’s shark fisheries. Marine and Freshwater Research 73.

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Clear, N., Darnaude, A.M., Dettman, D.L., Pécheyran, C., Farley, J., Murua, H. (2021) Discrimination of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares between nursery areas in the Indian Ocean using otolith chemistry. Marine Ecology Progress Series 673: 165–181, 2021.

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Farley, J., Darnaude, A.M., Clear, N., Dettman, D.L., Davies, C., Marsac, F., Murua, H. (2021) Otolith δ18O Composition as a Tracer of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Origin in the Indian Ocean. Oceans. 2021; 2(3):461-476. 

Filmalter, J.D., Bauer, R.K., Forget, F., Cowley, P.D., Dagorn, L. (2021) Movement behaviour and fishery interaction of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Western Indian Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78. 

Murua, H., Griffiths, S.P., Hobday, A.J., Clarke, S.C., Cortés, E., Gilman, E.L., Santiago, J., Arrizabalaga, A., de Bruyn, P., Lopez, J., Aires-da-Silva, A., Restrepo, V. (2021) Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature 595: E4–E7 (2021). 

Forget, F., Muir, J., Hutchinson, M., Itano, D., Sancristobal, I., Leroy, B., Filmalter, J., Martinez, U., Holland, K., Restrepo, V., Dagorn, L. (2021) Quantifying the accuracy of shark bycatch estimations in tuna purse seine fisheries. Ocean and Coastal Management. Volume 210 (2021) 105637. 

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Farley, J., Darnaude, A.M., Clear, N., Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, N., Dettman, D.L., Pecheyran, C., Krug, I., Medieu, A., Ahusan, M., Proctor, C., Priatna, A., Lestari, P., Davies, C., Marsac, F., Murua, H. (2021) Otolith chemical fingerprints of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Indian Ocean: First insights into stock structure delineation. PLoS ONE 16(3): e0249327. 

Mannocci, L., Baidai, Y., Forget, F., Travassos Tolotti, M., Dagorn, L., Capello, M. (2021) Machine learning to detect bycatch risk: Novel application to echosounder buoys data in tuna purse seine fisheries. Biological Conservation 255. 

Govinden, R., Capello, M., Forget, F., Filmalter, J.D. and Dagorn, L. (2021) Behavior of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and bigeye (T. obsesus) tunas associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs) in the Indian Ocean, assessed through acoustic telemetry. Fisheries Oceanography. 2021;00:1–14.


Koehler, H. (2020) The case for industry transparency in supporting sustainable tuna fisheries. Marine Policy 136(104087).

Anderson, R.C., Herrera, M., Ilangakoon, A.D., Koya, K.M., Moazzam, M., Mustika, P.L., Sutaria, D.N. (2020) Cetacean bycatch in Indian Ocean tuna gillnet fisheries. Endangered Species Research 41:39-53. 

Altuna-Etxabe, M., Ibaibarriaga, L., García, D. and Murua, H. (2020) Species prioritisation for the development of multiannual management plans for the Basque demersal fishery. Ocean and Coastal Management, Volume 185, 1 March 2020, 105054. 

Travassos Tolotti, M., Forget, F., Capello, M., Filmalter, J.D., Hutchinson, M., Itano, D., Holland, K. and Dagorn, L. (2020) Association dynamics of tuna and purse seine bycatch species with drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Research 226: 105521. 

Hoyle, S.D. and Langley, A.D. (2020) Scaling factors for multi-region stock assessments, with an application to Indian Ocean tropical tunas. Fisheries Research 228: 105586. 

Lopez, J., Alvarez-Berastegui, D., Soto, M. and Murua, H. (2020) Using fisheries data to model the oceanic habitats of juvenile silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 2377–2397.

Orue, B., Lopez, J., Pennino, M.G., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Murua, H. (2020) Comparing the distribution of tropical tuna associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) resulting from catch dependent and independent data. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 175: 104747.

Orúe, B., Pennino, M.G., Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Ramos, L. and Murua, H. (2020) Seasonal distribution of tuna and non-tuna species associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean using fishery-independent data. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:441.

Báez, J.C., Ramos, M.L, Herrera,M., Murua, H., Cort, J.L., Déniz, S., Rojo, V., Ruiz, J., Pascual-Alayón, P.J., Muniategi, A., Pérez San Juan, A., Ariz, J., Fernández, F. and Abascal, F. (2020) Monitoring of Spanish flagged purse seine fishery targeting tropical tuna in the Indian ocean: Timeline and history. Marine Policy 119 (2020) 104094. 

Bonnin, L., Lett, C., Dagorn, L., Filmalter, J.D., Forget, F., Verley, P. and Capello, M. (2020) Can drifting objects drive the movements of a vulnerable pelagic shark? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2020:1–9. 

Clavareau, L., Sabarros, P.S., Escalle, L., Bach, P., Abascal, F.J., Lopez, J., Murua, H., Pascual Alayon, P.J., Ramos, M.L., Ruiz, J. and Merigot, B. (2020) Elasmobranch bycatch distributions and mortality: Insights from the European tropical tuna purse-seine fishery. Global Ecology and Conservation 24 (2020) e01211. 

Pecoraro, C., Zudaire, I., Galimberti, G., Romeo, M., Murua, H., Fruciano, C., Scherer, C., Tinti, F., Diaha, N.C., Bodin, N. and Chassot, E. (2020) When size matters: The gonads of larger female yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) have different fatty acid profiles compared to smaller individuals. Fisheries Research 232 (2020) 105726. 

Merino, G., Murua, H., Santiago, J., Arrizabalaga, H., Restrepo, V. (2020) Characterization, communication, and management of uncertainty in tuna fisheries. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8245. 

Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W. and Chaloupka, M. (2020) Performance evaluation of a shallow prototype versus a standard depth traditional design drifting fish-aggregating device in the equatorial eastern Pacific tuna purse-seine fishery. Fisheries Research 233, January 2021, 105763. 

Lezama-Ochoa, N., Pennino, M.G., Hall, M.A., Lopez, H., Murua, H. (2020) Using a Bayesian modelling approach (INLA-SPDE) to predict the occurrence of the Spinetail Devil Ray (Mobular mobular). Scientific Reports 10, 18822 (2020). 

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Marsac, F., Farley, J.H., Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, N., Davies, C.R., Clear, N.P., Grewe, P. and Murua, H. (2020) A review of the fisheries, life history and stock structure of tropical tuna (skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis, yellowfin Thunnus albacares and bigeye Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean, in: Advances in Marine Biology, Academic Press. 

Luque, P.L., Sakai, S., Murua, H. and Arrizabalaga, H. (2020) Protocol for sampling sequential fin spine growth intervals for isotope analysis in the Atlantic bluefin tuna. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:588651.

Lezama-Ochoa, N., Lopez, J., Hall, M., Bach, P., Abascal, F. and Murua, H. (2020) Spatio-temporal distribution of spinetail devil ray Mobula mobular in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean. Endangered Species Research 43:447-460. 

Mannocci, L., Forget, F., Travassos Tolotti, M., Bach, P., Bez, N., Demarcq, H., Kaplan, D., Sabarros, P., Simier, M., Capello, M. and Dagorn, L. (2020) Predicting bycatch hotspots in tropical tuna purse seine fisheries at the basin scale. Global Ecology and Conservation 24 (2020) e01393. 

Pakiding, F., Zohar, K., Y.T.Allo, A., Keroman, S., Lontoh, D., Dutton, P.H. and Tiwari, M. (2020) Community engagement: An integral component of a multifaceted conservation approach for the transboundary Western Pacific leatherback. Frontiers in Marine Science, 09 September 2020.


Moreno, G., Boyra, G., Sancristobal, I., Itano, D., Restrepo, V. (2019) Towards acoustic discrimination of tropical tuna associated with Fish Aggregating Devices. PLoS ONE  14(6): e0216353. 

Orue, B., Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Soto, M., Murua, H. (2019) Aggregation process of drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean: Who arrives first, tuna or non-tuna species? PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210435.

Gilman, E., Chaloupka, M., Dagorn, L., Hall, M., Hobday, A., Musyl, M., Pitcher, T., Poisson, F., Restrepo, V. and Suuronen, P. (2019). Robbing Peter to pay Paul: replacing unintended cross-taxa conflicts with intentional tradeoffs by moving from piecemeal to integrated fisheries bycatch management. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries. 

Pons, M., Kell, L., Rudd, M. B., Cope, J. M., and Lucena Frédou, F. Performance of length-based data-limited methods in a multifleet context: application to small tunas, mackerels, and bonitos in the Atlantic Ocean.  ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76(4): 960–973.

Orue, B., Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Boyra, G., Uranga, J., Murua, H. (2019) From fisheries to scientific data: A protocol to process information from fishers’ echo-sounder buoys. Fisheries Research, 215: 38-43.

Boyra, G., Moreno, G., Orue, B., Sobradillo, B., and Sancristobal, I. (2019). In situ target strength of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) associated with fish aggregating devices. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76(7): 2446–2458.

Lopez, J., Ferarios, J.M., Santiago, J., Ubis, M., Moreno, G. and Murua, H. (2019). Evaluating potential biodegradable twines for use in the tropical tuna FAD fishery. Volume 219, November 2019, 105321. 

Lezama-Ochoa, N., Hall, M.A., Pennino, M.G., Stewart, J.D., López, J., Murua, H. (2019). Environmental characteristics associated with the presence of the Spinetail devil ray (Mobula mobular) in the eastern tropical Pacific. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220854. 

Arregui, I., Santiago, J., Murua, H., Urtizberea, A., Andonegi, E., De Bruyn, P. and Kell, L.T. (2019) Adaptation of North Atlantic albacore fishery to climate change: Yet another potential benefit of harvest control rules. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:620.

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Crook David, A., Zudaire, I., Arrizabalaga, H., Greig, A., Murua, H. (2019). Otolith microchemistry: a useful tool for investigating stock structure of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Indian Ocean. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Coelho, R., Macías, D., Ortiz de Urbina, J., Martins, A., Monteiro, C., Lino, P.G., Rosa, D., Santos, C.C., Bach, P., Murua, H., Abaunza, P. and Santos, M.N. (2019). Local indicators for global species: Pelagic sharks in the tropical northeast Atlantic, Cabo Verde islands region. Ecological Indicators 110 (2020) 105942. 


Squires, D., Restrepo, V., García, S. and Dutton, P. (2018). Fisheries bycatch reduction within the least-cost biodiversity mitigation hierarchy: Conservatory offsets with an application to sea turtles. Marine Policy 93 (2018) 55–61. 

Squires, D. and Garcia, S. (2018). The least-cost biodiversity impact mitigation hierarchy with a focus on marine fisheries and bycatch issues. Conservation Biology, Volume 0, No. 0, 1–9. 

Lennert-Cody, C. E., Moreno, G., Restrepo, V., Román, M. H., and Maunder, M. N. (2018). Recent purse-seine FAD fishing strategies in the eastern Pacific Ocean: what is the appropriate number of FADs at sea? ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(5).

Boyra, G., Moreno, G., Sobradillo, B., Pérez-Arjona, I., Sancristóbal. I. and Demer, D.A. (2018). Target strength of skipjack tuna (Katsuwanus pelamis) associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs) ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(5).

Hutchinson, M., Coffey, D., Holland, K., Itano, D., LeRoy, B., Kohin. S., Vetter, R., Williams, A., and Wren, J. 2018. Movements and habitat use of juvenile silky sharks in the Pacific Ocean inform conservation strategies. Fisheries Research 210 (2019) 131-142. 

Miller, S.K., Anganuzzi, A., Butterworth, D.S., Davies, C.R., Donovan, G.P., Nickson, A., Rademeyer, R.A. and Restrepo, V. (2018) Improving communication: the key to more effective MSE processes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 00: 1–14.


Rodriguez-Tress, P., Capello, M., Forget, F., Soria, M., Beeharry, S.P., Dussooa, N. and Dagorn, L. (2017). Associative behavior of yellowfin Thunnus albacares, skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis, and bigeye tuna T. obesus at anchored fish aggregating devices (FADs) off the coast of Mauritius. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570: 213-222. 

Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Ibaibarriaga, L. and Dagorn, L. (2017). Diel behaviour of tuna and non-tuna species at drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean, determined by fishers’ echo-sounder buoys. Marine Biology (2017) 164:44. 

Lopez, J., et al. Environmental preferences of tuna and non-tuna species associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Atlantic Ocean, ascertained through fishers’ echo-sounder buoys. Deep–Sea Research Part II (2017). 

Forrestal FC, McDonald MD, Burress G, Die DJ (2017) Reflex impairment and physiology as predictors of delayed mortality in recreationally caught yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus). Conserv Physiol 5(1).

Juan-Jordá, M.J., Murua, H., Arrizabalaga, H., Dulvy, N.K., Restrepo, V. (2017) Report card on ecosystem-based fisheries management in tuna regional fisheries management organizations. Fish Fish. 2017;00:1–19. 

Díez, G. , Moreno, G., Galaz, T. , Dagorn, L. and Murua, J. (2017). Digestive activity and stomach temperature in farmed bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus measured by acoustic tag. J Fish Biol, 90: 2504-2511.


Maunder, M.N., Crone, P.R., Valero, J.L., Semmens, B.X. (2016). Growth: Theory, Estimation, and Application in Fishery Stock Assessment Models CAPAM Workshop Series Report 2, Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology (CAPAM), NOAA/IATTC/SIO, 8901 La Jolla Shores Dr., La Jolla, 92037, CA (2015). 

Capello, M., Deneubourg, J.L., Robert, M., Holland, K.N., Schaefer, K.M. and Dagorn, L. (2016). Population assessment of tropical tuna based on their associative behavior around floating objects. Sci. Rep. 6, 36415; doi: 10.1038/srep36415 (2016).

Filmalter, J.D., P.D. Cowley, M. Potier, F. Ménard, M.J., Smale, Y. Cherel and L. Dagorn. 2016. Feeding ecology of silky sharks Carcharhinus falciformis associated with floating objects in the western Indian Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology (2016).

Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Boyra, G. and Dagorn, L. (2016). A model based on data from echosounder buoys to estimate biomass of fish species associated with fish aggregating devices. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Fish. Bull. 114:166–178.


Graff Zivin, J. and Mullins, J. (2015). Vessel buybacks in fisheries: The role of auction and financing structures. Marine Policy, 53 (2015) 188-197. 

Hutchinson, M., Itano, D., Muir, J., LeRoy, B. and Holland, K. (2015). Post-release survival of juvenile silky sharks captured in a tropical tuna purse seine fishery. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 521:143-154.

Cadrin, S.X. and Dickey-Collas, M. (2015). Stock assessment methods for sustainable fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72: 1–6. 

Tolotti, M.T., Filmalter, J.D., Bach, P., Travassos, P., Seret, B. and Dagorn, L. (2015). Banning is not enough: The complexities of oceanic shark management by tuna regional fisheries management organizations. Global Ecology and Conservation 4 (2015) 1–7. 

Eddy, C., Brill, R. and Bernal, D. (2015). Rates of at-vessel mortality and post-release survival of pelagic sharks captured with tuna purse seines around drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research 174: 109-117.

Moreno, G., Dagorn, L., Capello, M., Lopez, J., Filmalter, J., Forget, F., Sancristobal, I. and Holland, K. (2015). Fish aggregating devices (FADs) as scientific platforms. Fisheries Research, 178: 122-129.

Pecoraro, C., Babbucci, M., Villamor, A., Franch, R., Papetti, C., Leroy, B., Ortega-García, S., Muir, J., Rooker, J., Arocha, F., Murua, H., Zudaire, I., Chassot, E., Bodin, N., Tinti, F., Bargelloni, L. and Cariani, A. (2015) Methodological assessment of 2b-RAD genotyping technique for population structure inferences in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Marine Genomics, 25: 43-48.

Forget, F.G., M. Capello, J.D. Filmalter, R. Govinden, M. Soria, P.D. Cowley and L. Dagorn. 2015. Behaviour and vulnerability of target and non-target species at drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery determined by acoustic telemetry. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 1–8 (2015)

Filmalter, J., P. Cowley, F. Forget and L. Dagorn. 2015. Fine-scale 3-dimensional movement behaviour of silky sharks Carcharhinus falciformis associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs). Marine Ecology Progress Series 539 (2015) 207-223. 


Wang, S-P., Maunder, M.N., Piner, K.R., Aires-da-Silva, A. and Lee, H.H. (2014). Evaluation of virgin recruitment profiling as a diagnostic for selectivity curve structure in integrated stock assessment models. Fisheries Research 158 (2014) 158–164.

Wang, S-P., Maunder, M.N. and Aires-da-Silva, A. (2014). Selectivity’s distortion of the production function and its influence on management advice from surplus production models. Fisheries Research 158 (2014) 181–193.

Parker, R.W.R., Vázquez-Rowe, I. and Tyedmers, P.H. (2014) Fuel performance and carbon footprint of the global purse seine tuna fleet. Journal of Cleaner Production (2014).

Poisson, F., Séret, B., Vernet, A.L., Goujon, M. and Dagorn, L. (2014). Collaborative research: Development of a manual on elasmobranch handling and release best practices in tropical tuna purse-seine fisheries. Marine Policy 44 (2014) 312-320.

Poisson, F., Filmalter, J.D., Vernet, A.L. and Dagorn, L. (2014). Mortality rate of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) caught in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Indian Ocean. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 71(6): 795-798 (2014).

Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Sancristobal, I. and Murua, J. (2014). Evolution and current state of the technology of echo-sounder buoys used by Spanish tropical tuna purse seiners in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Fisheries Research 155 (2014) 127–137.

Fuller, D.W. and Schaefer, K.M. (2014). Evaluation of a fishing captain’s ability to predict species composition, sizes, and quantities of tunas associated with drifting fish-aggregating devices in the eastern Pacific Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Gjertsen, H., Squires, D., Dutton, P. H. and Eguchi, T. (2014). Cost-Effectiveness of alternative conservation strategies with application to the Pacific leatherback turtle. Conservation Biology, 28: 140–149.

Ruiz, J., Batty, A., Chavance, P., McElderry, H., Restrepo, V., Sharples, P., Santos, J. and Urtizberea, A. (2014). Electronic monitoring trials on in the tropical tuna purse-seine fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(4):1201–1213.

Parker, R.W.R. and Tyedmers, P.H. (2014). Fuel consumption of global fishing fleets: current understanding and knowledge gaps. Fish and Fisheries, 2015, 16, 684–696.


Deroba, J.J., Butterworth, D.S., Methot, R.D. Jr., De Oliveira, J.A.A., Fernandez, C., Nielsen, A., Cadrin, S.X., Dickey-Collas, M., Legault, C.M., Ianelli, J., Valero, J.L., Needle, C.L., O’Malley, J.M., Chang, Y-J., Thompson, G.G., Canales, C., Swain, D.P., Miller, D.C.M., Hintzen, N.T., Bertignac, M., Ibaibarriaga, L., Silva, A., Murta, A., Kell, L.T., de Moor, C.L., Parma, A.M., Dichmont, C.M., Restrepo, V.R., Ye, Y., Jardim, E., Spencer, P.D., Hanselman, D.H., Blaylock, J., Mood, M., Hulson, P.-J. F. (2013). Simulation testing the robustness of stock assessment models to error: some results from the ICES strategic initiative on stock assessment methods. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Filmalter, J.D., Capello, M., Deneubourg, J.L., Cowley, P.D. and Dagorn, L. (2013). Looking behind the curtain: quantifying massive shark mortality in fish aggregating devices. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11: 291–296. 

Dagorn, L., Holland, K. N., Restrepo, V. and Moreno, G. (2013). Is it good or bad to fish with FADs? What are the real impacts of the use of drifting FADs on pelagic marine ecosystems? Fish and Fisheries, 14: 391–415.

Schaefer, K.M. and D. W. Fuller. 2013. Simultaneous behavior of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), bigeye (Thunnus obsesus), and yellowfin (T. albacares) tunas, within large multi-species aggregations associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology (2013) 160:3005–3014.

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Ortuño Crespo, G., Griffiths, S., Murua, H., Österblom, H., Lopez, J. (2024) Adaptive spatiotemporal management to reduce shark bycatch in tuna fisheries. Conservation Biology.

Escalle, L., Phillips, J.S., Lopez, J., Lynch, J.M., Murua, H., Royer, S.J., Swimmer, Y., Murua, J., Sen Gupta, A., Restrepo, V., Moreno, G. (2024) Simulating drifting fish aggregating device trajectories to identify potential interactions with endangered sea turtles. Conservation Biology.

Waldo, J.L., Altamirano-Nieto, E., Croll, D., Diaz Palacios, M., Lezama-Ochoa, N., Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Rojas-Perea, S. and Cronin, M.R. (2024)  Bycatch mitigation from the sky: using helicopter communication for Mobulid conservation in tropical tuna fisheries. Front. Mar. Sci. Volume 11 - 2024.

Dupaix, A., Ménard, F., Filmater, J.D., Baidai, Y., Bodin, N., Capello, M., Chassot, E., Demarcq, H., Deneubourg, J.-L., Fonteneau, A., Forget, F., Forrestal, F., Gaertner, D., Hall, M., Holland, K.N., Itano, D., Kaplan, D.M., Lopez, J., Marsac, F., Maufroy, A., Moreno, G., Muir, J., Murua, H., Roa-Pascuali, L., Pérez, G., Restrepo, V., Robert, M., Schaefer, K.M., Sempo, G., Soria, M., Dagorn, L. (2024) The challenge of assessing the effects of drifting fish aggregating devices on the behaviour and biology of tropical tuna. Fish and Fisheries.

Ladino, A., Pérez-Arjona, I., Espinosa, V., Chillarón, M., Vidal, V., Godinho, L.M., Moreno, G. and Boyra, G. (2023). Role of material properties in acoustical target strength: Insights from two species lacking a swimbladder. Fisheries Research, Vol. 270, February 2024, 106895.

Guillotreau, P., Salladarré, F., Capello, M., Dupaix, A., Floc'h, L., Tidd, A., Tolotti, M. and Dagorn, L. (2023). Is FAD fishing an economic trap? Effects of seasonal closures and other management measures on a purse-seine tuna fleet. Fish and Fisheries. 2023;00:1–17.

Gilman, E., Chaloupka, M., Taylor, N., Nelson, L., Friedman, K. and Murua, H. (2023) Global governance guard rails for sharks: Progress towards implementing the United Nations international plan of action. Fish and Fisheries 2023, 00:1–17.

Royer, S.J., Corniuk, R., McWhirter, A., Lynch, H., Pollock, K., O'Brien, K., Escalle, L., Stevens, K., Moreno, G., Lynch, J. (2023) Large floating abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is frequent marine pollution in the Hawaiian Islands and Palmyra Atoll. Marine Pollution Bulletin 196 (2023), 115585.

McLennan, S., Polidoro, B., Huntington, T., Cappell, R., Restrepo, V., Mundnich, K., Jardim, E. (2023) The new Marine Stewardship Council requirements to improve ghost gear management: Insights from the policy development process. Marine Policy 157 (2023), 105840.

Pons, M., Kaplan, D., Moreno, G., Escalle, L., Abascal, F., Hall, M., Restrepo, V. and Hilborn, R. (2023) Benefits, concerns, and solutions of fishing for tunas with drifting fish aggregation devices. Fish and Fisheries 2023, 00:1–24. 

Capello, M., Merino, G., Tolotti, M., Murua, H., Dagorn, L. (2023) Developing a science-based framework for the management of drifting Fish Aggregating Devices. Marine Policy 153 (2023), 105657.

Zudaire, I., Moreno, G., Murua, J., Hamer, P., Murua, H., Tolotti, M.T., Roman, M., Hall, M., Lopez, J., Grande, M., Merino, G., Escalle, L., Basurko, O.C., Capello, M., Dagorn, L., Ramos, M.L., Abascal, F.J., Báez, J.C., Pascual-Alayón, P.J., Déniz, S., Santiago, J. (2023) Biodegradable drifting fish aggregating devices: Current status and future prospects. Marine Policy 153 (2023), 105659.

Francis, M.P., Lyon, W.S., Clarke, S.C., Finucci, B., Hutchinson, M.R., Campana, S.E., Musyl, M.K., Schaefer, K.M., Hoyle, S.D., Peatman, T., Bernal, D., Bigelow, K., Carlson, J., Coelho, R., Heberer, C., Itano, D., Jones, E., Leroy, B., Liu, K.-M., Murua, H., Poisson, F., Rogers, P., Sanchez, C., Semba, Y., Sippel, T., Smith, N. (2023) Post-release survival of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and silky (Carcharhinus falciformis) sharks released from pelagic tuna longlines in the Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1-13.

Murua, J., Moreno, G., Dagorn, L., Itano, D., Hall, M., Murua, H., Restrepo, V. (2023) Improving sustainable practices in tuna purse seine fish aggregating device (FAD) fisheries worldwide through continued collaboration with fishers. Frontiers in Marine Science 10.

Murua, H., Zudiare, I., Tolotti, M., Murua, J., Capello, M., Basurko, O.C., Krug, I., Grande, M.,  Arregui, I., Uranga, J., Ferarios, J.M., Sabarros, P., Ruiz, J., Baidai, Y., Ramos, M.L., Báez, J.C.,  Abascal, F., Arrizabalaga, H., Moreno, G., Dagorn, L., Santiago, J. (2023) Lessons learnt from the first large-scale biodegradable FAD research experiment to mitigate drifting FADs impacts on the ecosystem. Marine Policy 148(2023), 105394.

Gilman, E., Chaloupka, M., Booth, H., Hall, M., Murua, H., Wilson, J. (2022) Bycatch-neutral fisheries through a sequential mitigation hierarchy. Marine Policy 150(2023), 105522. 

Moreno, G., Salvador, J., Zudaire, I., , J., Lluís Pelegrí, J., Uranga, J., Murua, H., Grande, M., Santiago, J., Restrepo, V. (2022) The Jelly-FAD: A paradigm shift in the design of biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices. Marine Policy 147(2023), 105352.

Boyra, G., Martínez, U., Uranga, J., Moreno, G., Peña, H. (2022)  Correction of beam overlap-induced athwart distortion in multibeam sonars. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsac226.

Cronin, M., Croll, D.A., Hall, M.A., Lezama-Ochoa, N., Lopez, N., Murua, H., Murua, J., Restrepo, V., Rojas-Perea, S., Stewart, J.D., Waldo, J.L., Moreno, G. (2022) Harnessing stakeholder knowledge for the collaborative development of mobulid bycatch mitigation strategies in tuna fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsac093.

Lopetegui-Eguren, L., Poos Jan, J., Arrizabalaga, H., Guirhem, G. L., Murua, H., Lezama-Ochoa, N., Griffiths, S.P., Ruiz Gondra, J., Sabarros, P.S., Báez, J.C., Juan-Jordá, M.J. (2022) Spatio-temporal distribution of juvenile oceanic whitetip shark incidental catch in the western Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 9.

Báez, J.C., Déniz, S., Ramos, M.L., Grande, M., Ruiz, J., Murua, H., Santiago, J., Justel-Rubio, A., Herrera, M., Moniz, I., et al. (2022) Data provision for science-based FAD fishery management: Spanish FAD management plan as a case study. Sustainability 14(6): 3278. 

Baidai, Y., Uranga, J., Grande, M., Murua, H., Santiago, J., Quincoces, I., Boyra, G., Orue, B., Floch, L., Capello, M. (2022) A standard processing framework for the location data of satellite-linked buoys on drifting fish aggregating devices. Aquatic Living Resources 35.

Forget, F., and Muir, J. (2021) The critically endangered bowmouth guitarfish (Rhina ancylostoma) in the open ocean with an associated tuna school. Marine Biodiversity 51: 69 (2021).

Braccini, M., and Murua, H. (2021) Quantifying shark and ray discards in Western Australia’s shark fisheries. Marine and Freshwater Research 73.

Forget, F., Muir, J., Hutchinson, M., Itano, D., Sancristobal, I., Leroy, B., Filmalter, J., Martinez, U., Holland, K., Restrepo, V., Dagorn, L. (2021) Quantifying the accuracy of shark bycatch estimations in tuna purse seine fisheries. Ocean and Coastal Management. Volume 210 (2021) 105637. 

Mannocci, L., Baidai, Y., Forget, F., Travassos Tolotti, M., Dagorn, L., Capello, M. (2021) Machine learning to detect bycatch risk: Novel application to echosounder buoys data in tuna purse seine fisheries. Biological Conservation 255. 

Govinden, R., Capello, M., Forget, F., Filmalter, J.D. and Dagorn, L. (2021) Behavior of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and bigeye (T. obsesus) tunas associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs) in the Indian Ocean, assessed through acoustic telemetry. Fisheries Oceanography. 2021;00:1–14.

Filmalter, J.D., Bauer, R.K., Forget, F., Cowley, P.D., Dagorn, L. (2021) Movement behaviour and fishery interaction of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Western Indian Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78. 

Murua, H., Griffiths, S.P., Hobday, A.J., Clarke, S.C., Cortés, E., Gilman, E.L., Santiago, J., Arrizabalaga, A., de Bruyn, P., Lopez, J., Aires-da-Silva, A., Restrepo, V. (2021) Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature 595: E4–E7 (2021). 

Anderson, R.C., Herrera, M., Ilangakoon, A.D., Koya, K.M., Moazzam, M., Mustika, P.L., Sutaria, D.N. (2020) Cetacean bycatch in Indian Ocean tuna gillnet fisheries. Endangered Species Research 41:39-53. 

Travassos Tolotti, M., Forget, F., Capello, M., Filmalter, J.D., Hutchinson, M., Itano, D., Holland, K. and Dagorn, L. (2020) Association dynamics of tuna and purse seine bycatch species with drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Research 226: 105521. 

Lopez, J., Alvarez-Berastegui, D., Soto, M. and Murua, H. (2020) Using fisheries data to model the oceanic habitats of juvenile silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 2377–2397.

Orue, B., Lopez, J., Pennino, M.G., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Murua, H. (2020) Comparing the distribution of tropical tuna associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) resulting from catch dependent and independent data. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 175: 104747.

Orúe, B., Pennino, M.G., Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Ramos, L. and Murua, H. (2020) Seasonal distribution of tuna and non-tuna species associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean using fishery-independent data. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:441.

Bonnin, L., Lett, C., Dagorn, L., Filmalter, J.D., Forget, F., Verley, P. and Capello, M. (2020) Can drifting objects drive the movements of a vulnerable pelagic shark? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2020:1–9. 

Clavareau, L., Sabarros, P.S., Escalle, L., Bach, P., Abascal, F.J., Lopez, J., Murua, H., Pascual Alayon, P.J., Ramos, M.L., Ruiz, J. and Merigot, B. (2020) Elasmobranch bycatch distributions and mortality: Insights from the European tropical tuna purse-seine fishery. Global Ecology and Conservation 24 (2020) e01211. 

Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W. and Chaloupka, M. (2020) Performance evaluation of a shallow prototype versus a standard depth traditional design drifting fish-aggregating device in the equatorial eastern Pacific tuna purse-seine fishery. Fisheries Research 233, January 2021, 105763. 

Lezama-Ochoa, N., Pennino, M.G., Hall, M.A., Lopez, H., Murua, H. (2020) Using a Bayesian modelling approach (INLA-SPDE) to predict the occurrence of the Spinetail Devil Ray (Mobular mobular). Scientific Reports 10, 18822 (2020). 

Lezama-Ochoa, N., Lopez, J., Hall, M., Bach, P., Abascal, F. and Murua, H. (2020) Spatio-temporal distribution of spinetail devil ray Mobula mobular in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean. Endangered Species Research 43:447-460. 

Mannocci, L., Forget, F., Travassos Tolotti, M., Bach, P., Bez, N., Demarcq, H., Kaplan, D., Sabarros, P., Simier, M., Capello, M. and Dagorn, L. (2020) Predicting bycatch hotspots in tropical tuna purse seine fisheries at the basin scale. Global Ecology and Conservation 24 (2020) e01393. 

Pakiding, F., Zohar, K., Y.T.Allo, A., Keroman, S., Lontoh, D., Dutton, P.H. and Tiwari, M. (2020) Community engagement: An integral component of a multifaceted conservation approach for the transboundary Western Pacific leatherback. Frontiers in Marine Science, 09 September 2020.

Moreno, G., Boyra, G., Sancristobal, I., Itano, D., Restrepo, V. (2019) Towards acoustic discrimination of tropical tuna associated with Fish Aggregating Devices. PLoS ONE  14(6): e0216353. 

Orue, B., Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Soto, M., Murua, H. (2019) Aggregation process of drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean: Who arrives first, tuna or non-tuna species? PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210435.

Gilman, E., Chaloupka, M., Dagorn, L., Hall, M., Hobday, A., Musyl, M., Pitcher, T., Poisson, F., Restrepo, V. and Suuronen, P. (2019). Robbing Peter to pay Paul: replacing unintended cross-taxa conflicts with intentional tradeoffs by moving from piecemeal to integrated fisheries bycatch management. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries. 

Orue, B., Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Boyra, G., Uranga, J., Murua, H. (2019) From fisheries to scientific data: A protocol to process information from fishers’ echo-sounder buoys. Fisheries Research, 215: 38-43.

Boyra, G., Moreno, G., Orue, B., Sobradillo, B., and Sancristobal, I. (2019). In situ target strength of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) associated with fish aggregating devices. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76(7): 2446–2458.

Lopez, J., Ferarios, J.M., Santiago, J., Ubis, M., Moreno, G. and Murua, H. (2019). Evaluating potential biodegradable twines for use in the tropical tuna FAD fishery. Volume 219, November 2019, 105321. 

Lezama-Ochoa, N., Hall, M.A., Pennino, M.G., Stewart, J.D., López, J., Murua, H. (2019). Environmental characteristics associated with the presence of the Spinetail devil ray (Mobula mobular) in the eastern tropical Pacific. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220854. 

Coelho, R., Macías, D., Ortiz de Urbina, J., Martins, A., Monteiro, C., Lino, P.G., Rosa, D., Santos, C.C., Bach, P., Murua, H., Abaunza, P. and Santos, M.N. (2019). Local indicators for global species: Pelagic sharks in the tropical northeast Atlantic, Cabo Verde islands region. Ecological Indicators 110 (2020) 105942. 

Squires, D., Restrepo, V., García, S. and Dutton, P. (2018). Fisheries bycatch reduction within the least-cost biodiversity mitigation hierarchy: Conservatory offsets with an application to sea turtles. Marine Policy 93 (2018) 55–61. 

Squires, D. and Garcia, S. (2018). The least-cost biodiversity impact mitigation hierarchy with a focus on marine fisheries and bycatch issues. Conservation Biology, Volume 0, No. 0, 1–9. 

Lennert-Cody, C. E., Moreno, G., Restrepo, V., Román, M. H., and Maunder, M. N. (2018). Recent purse-seine FAD fishing strategies in the eastern Pacific Ocean: what is the appropriate number of FADs at sea? ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(5).

Boyra, G., Moreno, G., Sobradillo, B., Pérez-Arjona, I., Sancristóbal. I. and Demer, D.A. (2018). Target strength of skipjack tuna (Katsuwanus pelamis) associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs) ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(5).

Hutchinson, M., Coffey, D., Holland, K., Itano, D., LeRoy, B., Kohin. S., Vetter, R., Williams, A., and Wren, J. 2018. Movements and habitat use of juvenile silky sharks in the Pacific Ocean inform conservation strategies. Fisheries Research 210 (2019) 131-142. 

Rodriguez-Tress, P., Capello, M., Forget, F., Soria, M., Beeharry, S.P., Dussooa, N. and Dagorn, L. (2017). Associative behavior of yellowfin Thunnus albacares, skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis, and bigeye tuna T. obesus at anchored fish aggregating devices (FADs) off the coast of Mauritius. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570: 213-222. 

Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Ibaibarriaga, L. and Dagorn, L. (2017). Diel behaviour of tuna and non-tuna species at drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean, determined by fishers’ echo-sounder buoys. Marine Biology (2017) 164:44. 

Lopez, J., et al. Environmental preferences of tuna and non-tuna species associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Atlantic Ocean, ascertained through fishers’ echo-sounder buoys. Deep–Sea Research Part II (2017). 

Forrestal FC, McDonald MD, Burress G, Die DJ (2017) Reflex impairment and physiology as predictors of delayed mortality in recreationally caught yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus). Conserv Physiol 5(1).

Juan-Jordá, M.J., Murua, H., Arrizabalaga, H., Dulvy, N.K., Restrepo, V. (2017) Report card on ecosystem-based fisheries management in tuna regional fisheries management organizations. Fish Fish. 2017;00:1–19. 

Capello, M., Deneubourg, J.L., Robert, M., Holland, K.N., Schaefer, K.M. and Dagorn, L. (2016). Population assessment of tropical tuna based on their associative behavior around floating objects. Sci. Rep. 6, 36415; doi: 10.1038/srep36415 (2016).

Filmalter, J.D., P.D. Cowley, M. Potier, F. Ménard, M.J., Smale, Y. Cherel and L. Dagorn. 2016. Feeding ecology of silky sharks Carcharhinus falciformis associated with floating objects in the western Indian Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology (2016).

Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Boyra, G. and Dagorn, L. (2016). A model based on data from echosounder buoys to estimate biomass of fish species associated with fish aggregating devices. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Fish. Bull. 114:166–178.

Hutchinson, M., Itano, D., Muir, J., LeRoy, B. and Holland, K. (2015). Post-release survival of juvenile silky sharks captured in a tropical tuna purse seine fishery. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 521:143-154.

Tolotti, M.T., Filmalter, J.D., Bach, P., Travassos, P., Seret, B. and Dagorn, L. (2015). Banning is not enough: The complexities of oceanic shark management by tuna regional fisheries management organizations. Global Ecology and Conservation 4 (2015) 1–7. 

Eddy, C., Brill, R. and Bernal, D. (2015). Rates of at-vessel mortality and post-release survival of pelagic sharks captured with tuna purse seines around drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research 174: 109-117.

Moreno, G., Dagorn, L., Capello, M., Lopez, J., Filmalter, J., Forget, F., Sancristobal, I. and Holland, K. (2015). Fish aggregating devices (FADs) as scientific platforms. Fisheries Research, 178: 122-129.

Forget, F.G., M. Capello, J.D. Filmalter, R. Govinden, M. Soria, P.D. Cowley and L. Dagorn. 2015. Behaviour and vulnerability of target and non-target species at drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery determined by acoustic telemetry. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 1–8 (2015)

Filmalter, J., P. Cowley, F. Forget and L. Dagorn. 2015. Fine-scale 3-dimensional movement behaviour of silky sharks Carcharhinus falciformis associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs). Marine Ecology Progress Series 539 (2015) 207-223. 

Poisson, F., Séret, B., Vernet, A.L., Goujon, M. and Dagorn, L. (2014). Collaborative research: Development of a manual on elasmobranch handling and release best practices in tropical tuna purse-seine fisheries. Marine Policy 44 (2014) 312-320.

Poisson, F., Filmalter, J.D., Vernet, A.L. and Dagorn, L. (2014). Mortality rate of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) caught in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Indian Ocean. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 71(6): 795-798 (2014).

Lopez, J., Moreno, G., Sancristobal, I. and Murua, J. (2014). Evolution and current state of the technology of echo-sounder buoys used by Spanish tropical tuna purse seiners in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Fisheries Research 155 (2014) 127–137.

Fuller, D.W. and Schaefer, K.M. (2014). Evaluation of a fishing captain’s ability to predict species composition, sizes, and quantities of tunas associated with drifting fish-aggregating devices in the eastern Pacific Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Gjertsen, H., Squires, D., Dutton, P. H. and Eguchi, T. (2014). Cost-Effectiveness of alternative conservation strategies with application to the Pacific leatherback turtle. Conservation Biology, 28: 140–149.

Filmalter, J.D., Capello, M., Deneubourg, J.L., Cowley, P.D. and Dagorn, L. (2013). Looking behind the curtain: quantifying massive shark mortality in fish aggregating devices. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11: 291–296. 

Dagorn, L., Holland, K. N., Restrepo, V. and Moreno, G. (2013). Is it good or bad to fish with FADs? What are the real impacts of the use of drifting FADs on pelagic marine ecosystems? Fish and Fisheries, 14: 391–415.

Schaefer, K.M. and D. W. Fuller. 2013. Simultaneous behavior of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), bigeye (Thunnus obsesus), and yellowfin (T. albacares) tunas, within large multi-species aggregations associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology (2013) 160:3005–3014.


Báez, J.C., Ramos, M.L, Herrera,M., Murua, H., Cort, J.L., Déniz, S., Rojo, V., Ruiz, J., Pascual-Alayón, P.J., Muniategi, A., Pérez San Juan, A., Ariz, J., Fernández, F. and Abascal, F. (2020) Monitoring of Spanish flagged purse seine fishery targeting tropical tuna in the Indian ocean: Timeline and history. Marine Policy 119 (2020) 104094. 

Stock Health

Labonne, M., Darnaude, A.M., Fily, T., Petit, C., Nikolic, N., Parker, D., Norman, S.J., Clear, N., Farley, J., Eveson, J.P., Artetxe-Arrate, I., Murua, H., Davies, C. and Marsac, F. (2024). New insights in lifetime migrations of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga, Bonnaterre, 1788) between the Southwest Indian and the Southeast Atlantic Oceans using otolith microchemistry. Fishes 2024, 9, 38.

Rooker, J.R., Zapp Sluis, M., Kitchens, L.L., Dance, M.A., Falterman, B., Lee, J.M., Liu, H., Miller, N., Murua, H., Rooker, A.M., Saillant, E., Walter, J. and Wells, R.J.D. (2023) Nursery origin of yellowfin tuna in the western Atlantic Ocean: significance of Caribbean Sea and trans-Atlantic migrants. Scientific Reports 13 (2023), 16277.

Juan-Jordá, M.J., Murua, H., Arrizabalaga, H., Merino, G., Pacoureau, N., Dulvy, N.K..(2022) Seventy years of tunas, billfishes, and sharks as sentinels of global ocean health. Science 378(6620).

Merino, G., Urtizberea, A., Fu, D., Winker, H., Cardinale, M., Lauretta, M.V., Murua, H., Kitakado, T., Arrizabalaga, H., Scott, R., Pilling, G., Minte-Vera, C., Xu, H., Laborda, A., Erauskin-Extramiana, M., Santiago, J. (2022) Investigating trends in process error as a diagnostic for integrated fisheries stock assessments. Fisheries Research 256(106478).

Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W. (2022) Spatiotemporal variability in the reproductive biology of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research 248 (106225). 

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Farley, J., Darnaude, A.M., Clear, N., Dettman, D.L., Davies, C., Marsac, F., Murua, H. (2021) Otolith δ18O Composition as a Tracer of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Origin in the Indian Ocean. Oceans. 2021; 2(3):461-476. 

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Farley, J., Darnaude, A.M., Clear, N., Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, N., Dettman, D.L., Pecheyran, C., Krug, I., Medieu, A., Ahusan, M., Proctor, C., Priatna, A., Lestari, P., Davies, C., Marsac, F., Murua, H. (2021) Otolith chemical fingerprints of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Indian Ocean: First insights into stock structure delineation. PLoS ONE 16(3): e0249327. 

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Clear, N., Darnaude, A.M., Dettman, D.L., Pécheyran, C., Farley, J., Murua, H. (2021) Discrimination of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares between nursery areas in the Indian Ocean using otolith chemistry. Marine Ecology Progress Series 673: 165–181, 2021.

Hoyle, S.D. and Langley, A.D. (2020) Scaling factors for multi-region stock assessments, with an application to Indian Ocean tropical tunas. Fisheries Research 228: 105586. 

Pecoraro, C., Zudaire, I., Galimberti, G., Romeo, M., Murua, H., Fruciano, C., Scherer, C., Tinti, F., Diaha, N.C., Bodin, N. and Chassot, E. (2020) When size matters: The gonads of larger female yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) have different fatty acid profiles compared to smaller individuals. Fisheries Research 232 (2020) 105726. 

Merino, G., Murua, H., Santiago, J., Arrizabalaga, H., Restrepo, V. (2020) Characterization, communication, and management of uncertainty in tuna fisheries. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8245. 

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Marsac, F., Farley, J.H., Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, N., Davies, C.R., Clear, N.P., Grewe, P. and Murua, H. (2020) A review of the fisheries, life history and stock structure of tropical tuna (skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis, yellowfin Thunnus albacares and bigeye Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean, in: Advances in Marine Biology, Academic Press. 

Luque, P.L., Sakai, S., Murua, H. and Arrizabalaga, H. (2020) Protocol for sampling sequential fin spine growth intervals for isotope analysis in the Atlantic bluefin tuna. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:588651.

Pons, M., Kell, L., Rudd, M. B., Cope, J. M., and Lucena Frédou, F. Performance of length-based data-limited methods in a multifleet context: application to small tunas, mackerels, and bonitos in the Atlantic Ocean.  ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76(4): 960–973.

Arregui, I., Santiago, J., Murua, H., Urtizberea, A., Andonegi, E., De Bruyn, P. and Kell, L.T. (2019) Adaptation of North Atlantic albacore fishery to climate change: Yet another potential benefit of harvest control rules. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:620.

Artetxe-Arrate, I., Fraile, I., Crook David, A., Zudaire, I., Arrizabalaga, H., Greig, A., Murua, H. (2019). Otolith microchemistry: a useful tool for investigating stock structure of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Indian Ocean. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Miller, S.K., Anganuzzi, A., Butterworth, D.S., Davies, C.R., Donovan, G.P., Nickson, A., Rademeyer, R.A. and Restrepo, V. (2018) Improving communication: the key to more effective MSE processes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 00: 1–14.

Díez, G. , Moreno, G., Galaz, T. , Dagorn, L. and Murua, J. (2017). Digestive activity and stomach temperature in farmed bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus measured by acoustic tag. J Fish Biol, 90: 2504-2511.

Maunder, M.N., Crone, P.R., Valero, J.L., Semmens, B.X. (2016). Growth: Theory, Estimation, and Application in Fishery Stock Assessment Models CAPAM Workshop Series Report 2, Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology (CAPAM), NOAA/IATTC/SIO, 8901 La Jolla Shores Dr., La Jolla, 92037, CA (2015). 

Cadrin, S.X. and Dickey-Collas, M. (2015). Stock assessment methods for sustainable fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72: 1–6. 

Pecoraro, C., Babbucci, M., Villamor, A., Franch, R., Papetti, C., Leroy, B., Ortega-García, S., Muir, J., Rooker, J., Arocha, F., Murua, H., Zudaire, I., Chassot, E., Bodin, N., Tinti, F., Bargelloni, L. and Cariani, A. (2015) Methodological assessment of 2b-RAD genotyping technique for population structure inferences in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Marine Genomics, 25: 43-48.

Wang, S-P., Maunder, M.N., Piner, K.R., Aires-da-Silva, A. and Lee, H.H. (2014). Evaluation of virgin recruitment profiling as a diagnostic for selectivity curve structure in integrated stock assessment models. Fisheries Research 158 (2014) 158–164.

Wang, S-P., Maunder, M.N. and Aires-da-Silva, A. (2014). Selectivity’s distortion of the production function and its influence on management advice from surplus production models. Fisheries Research 158 (2014) 181–193.

Deroba, J.J., Butterworth, D.S., Methot, R.D. Jr., De Oliveira, J.A.A., Fernandez, C., Nielsen, A., Cadrin, S.X., Dickey-Collas, M., Legault, C.M., Ianelli, J., Valero, J.L., Needle, C.L., O’Malley, J.M., Chang, Y-J., Thompson, G.G., Canales, C., Swain, D.P., Miller, D.C.M., Hintzen, N.T., Bertignac, M., Ibaibarriaga, L., Silva, A., Murta, A., Kell, L.T., de Moor, C.L., Parma, A.M., Dichmont, C.M., Restrepo, V.R., Ye, Y., Jardim, E., Spencer, P.D., Hanselman, D.H., Blaylock, J., Mood, M., Hulson, P.-J. F. (2013). Simulation testing the robustness of stock assessment models to error: some results from the ICES strategic initiative on stock assessment methods. ICES Journal of Marine Science.


Koehler, H., Haas, B. (2024) The use of corrective action frameworks in international fisheries management. Marine Policy, Vol. 168.

Goikoetxea, N., Goienetxea, I., Fernandes-Salvador, J.A., Goñi, N., Granado, I., Quincoces, I., Ibaibarriaga, L., Ruiz, J., Murua, H. and Caballero, A., (2024) Machine-learning aiding sustainable Indian Ocean tuna purse seine fishery. Ecological Informatics Volume 81, July 2024, 102577.

Fraile, I., Luque, P., Campana, S.E., Farley, J.H., Krusic-Golub, K., Clear, N., Eveson, J.P., Artetxe-Arrate, I., Zudaire, I., Murua, H. and Merino, G. (2024) Age validation of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Indian Ocean using post-peak bomb radiocarbon chronologies. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 734: 91–104, 2024.

Cote, D., Sutton, J., Roul, S., Murua, H., Gonzales, F., Alpoim, R. and Angnatok, J. (2023) The distribution of subarctic and boreal deep-sea demersal fish assemblages across environmental gradients of the northwest Atlantic. J Fish Biol. 2023: 1–11.

Heidrich, K.N., Juan-Jordá, M.J., Murua, H., Thompson, C.D.H., Meeuwig, J.J., Zeller, D. (2022) Assessing progress in data reporting by tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. Fish and Fisheries 23(6): 1264-1281.

Hilborn, R., Agostini, V.N., Chaloupka, M., Garcia, S.M., Gerber, L.R., Gilman, E., Hanich, Q., Himes-Cornell, A., Hobday, A.J., Itano, D., Kaiser, M.J., Murua, H., Ovando, D., Pilling, G.M., Rice, J.C., Sharma, R., Schaefer, K.M., Severance, C.J., Taylor, N.G., Fitchett, M. (2021) Area-based management of blue water fisheries: Current knowledge and research needs. Fish and Fisheries 23.

Basurko, O. C., Gabiña, G., Lopez, J., Granado, I., Murua, H., Fernandes, J. A., Krug, I., Ruiz, J.,  Uriondo, Z. (2021). Fuel consumption of free-swimming school versus FAD strategies in tropical tuna purse seine fishing. Fisheries Research 245(106139). 

Altuna-Etxabe, M., Ibaibarriaga, L., García, D. and Murua, H. (2020) Species prioritisation for the development of multiannual management plans for the Basque demersal fishery. Ocean and Coastal Management, Volume 185, 1 March 2020, 105054. 

Koehler, H. (2020) The case for industry transparency in supporting sustainable tuna fisheries. Marine Policy 136(104087).

Graff Zivin, J. and Mullins, J. (2015). Vessel buybacks in fisheries: The role of auction and financing structures. Marine Policy, 53 (2015) 188-197. 

Parker, R.W.R., Vázquez-Rowe, I. and Tyedmers, P.H. (2014) Fuel performance and carbon footprint of the global purse seine tuna fleet. Journal of Cleaner Production (2014).

Ruiz, J., Batty, A., Chavance, P., McElderry, H., Restrepo, V., Sharples, P., Santos, J. and Urtizberea, A. (2014). Electronic monitoring trials on in the tropical tuna purse-seine fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(4):1201–1213.

Parker, R.W.R. and Tyedmers, P.H. (2014). Fuel consumption of global fishing fleets: current understanding and knowledge gaps. Fish and Fisheries, 2015, 16, 684–696.

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