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Our unique approach to helping tuna fisheries become more sustainable involves partnering with stakeholders across the spectrum to achieve shared conservation goals for marine life and ecosystems.

With input from our Scientific Advisory Committee, Environmental Stakeholder Committee, Implementation Team, and staff, ISSF’s Board of Directors identifies strategic goals for our organization — and assesses our progress.


The ISSF team works with a diverse group of stakeholders, encompassing influencers and decision-makers in science, policy, and philanthropy.

ISSF engages with leading retailers and environmental non-government organizations (NGOs) on sustainability initiatives. We also partner with seafood-industry leaders, tuna vessels, and related companies.

Conservation-oriented charitable foundations, NGOs, and seafood companies provide critical financial support for ISSF’s research, resource development, and outreach programs.

All of our financial sponsors respect our independence. No supporting organization controls our policies, our practices, or the findings of our research.


Board of Directors

Our Board comprises leaders in marine science, academia, the NGO community, government, and the seafood industry worldwide.

Scientific Advisory Committee

Marine and fisheries scientists from around the world share information and expertise through our Scientific Advisory Committee.

Environmental Stakeholder Committee

Conservationists and environmental scientists advise and inform ISSF as members of our Environmental Stakeholder Committee.


Meet the scientists, policy experts, communicators, program administrators, and other contributors on the ISSF staff.


Marine & Fisheries Scientists

We publish original research reports — including Status of the Stocks — and blog posts authored by the ISSF scientific team as well as their peer partners at scientific and academic organizations. We also host scientific workshops and other events on sustainable fishing topics.

RFMOs & Government Agencies

To help inform the fishing policies that tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and government agencies establish, ISSF produces best-practices research and analysis reports. We also benchmark RFMO effectiveness on sustainability measures and disseminate our position statements to influence RFMO decision-making and meeting outcomes.

NGOs & Retailers

Experts from leading sustainability non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are members of our scientific and environmental stakeholder committees. NGOs, along with retailers and food-service companies, also contribute to ISSF’s joint advocacy letters, research and educational programs, and related efforts.

Vessels & Fishers

Through ISSF’s ProActive Vessel Register and other vessel lists, seafood-sourcing companies can locate vessels that have made public commitments to fish sustainably. We also offer bycatch-mitigation education, Fishery Improvement Project, and fishery certification resources for fishers, including our guide to building more sustainable FAD and the jelly-FAD construction guide.

Participating Companies

Seafood processors, traders, and marketers that want to make business decisions that support responsible fishing and marine ecosystem health can join as participating companies. ISSF participating companies are audited yearly on their compliance with ISSF conservation measures based on best practices.

Charitable Foundations

ISSF welcomes partnerships with charitable foundations that seek to advance sustainability and support marine conservation and environmental programs. We also are grateful for individual donations, which help to underwrite ISSF activities, events, and publications.

2023–2027 Strategic Plan

Learn about our new five-year goal for sustainable tuna fisheries — and our approach to achieving it.

Sign Up for E News

Stay up to date on ISSF’s activities and contributions in sustainable fishing by receiving our weekly e-newsletter.

ISSF’s E News highlights conservation measures and compliance results, new reports and infographics, helpful tools and resources, and media coverage about ISSF.


We invite tuna processors, traders and/or marketers to explore the benefits of becoming a participating company.

Seafood companies interested in joining the International Seafood Sustainability Association (ISSA) can choose from Full or Associate membership.