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ProActive Vessel Register (PVR)

The ProActive Vessel Register (PVR) is one of four public vessel lists that ISSF provides to foster transparency in tuna fishing. Fishing vessels can apply to be registered on the PVR to show how they are following best practices that support sustainable tuna fisheries.

Vessels on the PVR are audited by an independent third-party auditor on their compliance with select ISSF conservation measures. We publish an annual compliance report that tracks their performance.

There is no cost to register on the PVR, although some vessels may have costs associated with the auditing process.


A verified resource for sustainable-fishing stakeholders.

Vessel Owners: Read this September 2024 notice about changes in ISSF conservation measures and compliance requirements that may affect you.

Registration Benefits

To promote transparency in fishing, ISSF works with regional organizations and data sources to provide information about vessels and their practices. We maintain four searchable public tuna vessel lists for sustainable fishing stakeholders, including seafood buyers.


Filter, Search & Sort

You can search and filter the PVR by vessel name, UVI number, RFMO region, and many other characteristics. Hover your cursor over column headings to see brief descriptions of the column categories. You also can view historical data on a vessel by clicking the “History” symbol next to the vessel name.

Symbol Key

You will see these symbols in vessel records in the PVR:

A green checkmark means the vessel implements the best practice.
A red mark means that the vessel does not implement the best practice.

A circle symbol means the vessel’s implementation of a best practice is currently pending verification or further action, subject to the time limits contained in the PVR Terms and Conditions. Purchases from a vessel “in process” may result in a non-conformance finding for an ISSF Participating Company during a subsequent MRAG audit unless the purchaser obtains proof of implementation directly from the vessel.

The in-process symbol is also applied in cases when a vessel is ‘inactive’ (i.e., not engaged in fishing operations because it is undergoing repairs or tied up for an extended period), and the symbol remains until the vessel contact completes a Level 2 audit at the time when the vessel resumes fishing operations.

“N/A” means the best practice is not applicable.
An en-dash means the best practice does not need to be implemented by that vessel type.
The history button shows historical data for a vessel’s changes on the PVR.


PVR Growth

Our infographic shows how the PVR has grown since 2012 — both in number and type of vessel (handlinelongline, pole & line, purse seine, supply & tender).

PVR Conservation Measures

Several of ISSF’s conservation measures focus on our ProActive Vessel Register (PVR) public vessel list.

VOSI List Registration

Some vessels on the PVR may qualify to also register on another ISSF vessel list — the Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI).

Vessel Crew Education

To help vessel owners achieve sustainable fishing goals, we provide guidebooks, videos, infographics, and posters for skippers and other vessel crew.