Web Features
We produce interactive stories for our site — featuring exclusive video footage as well as original photography, illustrations, and animations — on sustainable fishing topics.
Explore ISSF’s Web features for an immersive introduction to some of ISSF’s unique research and advocacy work.
“Fresh Thinking about FADS”
In our latest feature, we explain how fish aggregating devices (FADs) are used in tuna fishing — and how they affect marine animals and environments. We also highlight ISSF’s efforts, working with tuna fishers and scientific colleagues, to design and manage biodegradable FADs that have lower ecosystem impacts.
“Acoustic Discrimination: Exploring Technology to Support Selective Fishing”
Scientists have decoded several tuna species’ unique underwater “acoustic signatures.” In this feature, we illustrate how their findings may help tuna fishers to use acoustic equipment like echosounders to fish more sustainably — targeting more abundant species, avoiding overfished stocks, and reducing bycatch.
“At-Sea Transshipment in Tuna Fisheries”
In tonnes, tuna and tuna-like species have been one of the largest seafood catches to be transshipped at sea.
Our feature shows how gaps in transshipment requirements and oversight in all oceans create opportunities for illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities.
Video Library
Watch videos about ISSF’s people, programs, and progress on tuna and ocean conservation.
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