Document: ISSF 2020-11: Recommended Best Practices for Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries in Transition to MSC Certification, with an Emphasis on FADs*
This report summarizes recommended best practices for tropical tuna purse seine fisheries with a FAD component (i.e., with a portion of its sets on schools of tuna associated with fish aggregating devices) that aim to participate in Fishery Improvement Programs (FIPs) with the objective of achieving MSC certification.
The recommended practices are linked to MSC Fishery Certification Requirements with suggested examples for concrete actions.
Dr. Victor Restrepo, Ana Justel-Rubio, Juan Pedro Monteagudo, Dr. Gala Moreno, and Dr. Hilario Murua authored the report.
See also our related “Purse Seine FIPs Best Practices Checklist” document.
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Restrepo, V., A. Justel-Rubio, J.P. Monteagudo, G. Moreno and H. Murua. (2020). Recommended best practices for tropical tuna purse seine fisheries in transition to MSC certification, with emphasis on FADs (Version 2). ISSF Technical Report 2020-11 International Seafood Sustainability Foundation, Washington, D.C., USA