Utilization and Trade of Faux-Poisson Landed in Abidjan (PDF) Written by Lynne Mandel on July 10, 2018.
Retaining Bycatch to Avoid Wastage of Fishery Resources: How Important Is Bycatch Landed by Purse-Seiners in Abidjan? (PDF) Written by Lynne Mandel on July 10, 2018.
ISSF 2016-16: Implementation of Pilot Projects to Explore the Market Viability of Full-Retention of Non-Tuna Species in Purse Seine Fisheries Written by Lynne Mandel on July 10, 2018.
ISSF 2014-12: Exploration of Market Viability for the Full Retention of Non-Tuna Species in Purse Seine Fisheries Written by Lynne Mandel on July 10, 2018.