Bill Holden

Bill Holden
Senior Tuna Fisheries Outreach Manager, Marine Stewardship Council
Bill Holden is the Senior Tuna Fisheries Outreach Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a global fisheries certification and ecolabel program. He began working with the MSC in February 2009 and is based in the Sydney, Australia, office. His work involves fisheries outreach in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, with a focus on tuna fisheries.
Another component of his work is outreach to fisheries in South East Asia and the Pacific, working towards sustainable fishing practices. Mr. Holden has a wealth of experience in fisheries management from more than 20 years as an owner, operator and skipper of snapper and tuna longliners in the Kingdom of Tonga. During that time, he was the President of the Fishing Industry Association of Tonga (FIAT) and a director of the Pacific Islands Tuna Industry Association (PITIA).
As well as his vast industry experience and knowledge of fishing and marketing operations, Mr. Holden’s work in associations has given him an understanding of regional management, and he maintains an extensive Pacific network. Mr. Holden graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, with a B.A. in Political Science and Communications.